Chicks Cages

The brooding rate is the key to ensuring economic benefits, so how to improve the brooding rate is very important. In addition to chicks cages can help the brooding rate, it is also necessary to do scientific feeding management in the daily feeding process, as long as the brooding rate is carried out according to scientific management methods. will be raised.

  1. Feeding control according to standard body weight

Breeders who are suitable for raising chicks should analyze the body weight and food intake of different breeds of chicks, and then conduct feeding management through standard body weight, feed according to standard feeding methods, and maintain a reasonable body weight.

  1. Strengthen environmental management in chicks cages

During the brooding period, the environment of the chicken house is very important for the growth of chicks, especially the control of temperature, humidity and density. Whether the farmers use flat rearing or chicken cage farming, they must control a reasonable stocking density and quantity, and control the breeding. Density is a necessary means to improve the growth of laying hens, and it is also one of the important ways to ensure future production. Therefore, farmers should control the density according to the breeding space.

chicks cages
  1. Pay attention to feeding management in chicks cages

During the brooding period, drinking water and feeding are important keys that cannot be ignored. After the chicks are out of the shell, the water loss in the body is relatively serious. Therefore, farmers should start drinking water when the chicks enter the chicks cages to improve the functions of the chicks. In addition, in terms of feeding, farmers should pay more attention to the nutritional ratio of the feed, and choose the feed that meets the nutritional standards at this stage.

  1. Do a good job in group transfer

Generally, when farmers raise laying hens and chicks, they should be reared and raised at 6 weeks of age. They should be transferred to groups. They will be raised from chicks cages into laying hens. During the transfer process, farmers should pay attention to the temperature of the chicken house. Humidity control, let the chickens have a suitable process, do not transfer the group quickly, and avoid unnecessary stress.

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