Feed Management System in Battery Cage System in Poultry
- Feeds should come from ecologically-friendly farms that produce pesticide-free crops such as corn, rice, soybeans, etc.
- Prohibited drugs or additives specified by the government should not be added to the feeds.
- Feed delivery to the warehouse should be conducted in person by the purchasing personnel and the warehouse manager. They should fill out an inventory form and the warehouse personnel must verify the quantity and quality of the delivered feeds.
- The warehouse manager should maintain cleanliness in the storage facility. No drugs or hazardous substances should be stored inside the warehouse. Feeds must be stored on separate shelves according to their variety, with proper separation from the ground.
- Establish a record of feed inflow and outflow from the warehouse, providing detailed information on the daily stock movement.
- Feed formulation and dosing should be carried out by the technician based on the actual requirements.
- The mixing room, mixer, and utensils should be kept clean and periodically disinfected. The mixing room should not be used to store hazardous substances.
Biosecurity Management System in Battery Cage System in Poultry
Strictly adhere to national and local government regulations on animal disease prevention and related livestock and poultry hygiene ordinances.
Prevent the introduction and spread of pathogens.
- Install disinfection pools at the entrances and exits of the poultry farm, with effective disinfectants (e.g., 2% caustic soda) in the pool. Ensure that personnel and vehicles entering or leaving the farm undergo proper disinfection.
- Unauthorized individuals should not be allowed to enter the production area without the permission of the responsible person or veterinary department.
- No other poultry or poultry products should be brought into the production area.
- The caretakers should maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the environment, avoiding movement between different groups of chickens.
- Perform weekly disinfection of the production area and thorough disinfection of the work area and surrounding environment every two weeks.
- Any external individuals granted permission to enter the production area must change clothes, undergo disinfection, and spend 10 minutes under ultraviolet light. They should wear full-body protective clothing and be accompanied by a technician.
- On-site veterinarians are not allowed to diagnose and treat diseases of chickens or other animals for external individuals.
- Production personnel should not leave the production area arbitrarily. They should wear work clothes and rubber boots inside the production area. Work clothes should be kept clean and regularly disinfected.
Hygiene and Disease Prevention Management System
- The living area should have protective measures for garbage, ensuring timely cleaning and maintaining cleanliness.
- Farming equipment should be cleaned daily to ensure cleanliness.
- External individuals should not be allowed to enter the breeding area at any time.
- In the event of a localized outbreak, dedicated feeders and water troughs for the infected chickens should be disinfected. Proper isolation measures should be implemented for feeders and water troughs during outbreaks.
- Diseased or dead chickens should be incinerated or deeply buried on the same day. Used packaging of medications should be collected and periodically destroyed.
- Purchased chicks should undergo quarantine to prevent the introduction of pathogens.
- Regular disinfection and application of disease prevention medications should be conducted on the battery cage system in poultry.

Medication Management System
- Establish a comprehensive record of medication procurement. The record should include the medication’s name, dosage, specifications, expiration date, manufacturer, supplier, quantity purchased, and date of purchase.
- Quality acceptance of medications: This includes inspecting the appearance and properties of medications, as well as the inspection of external and internal packaging and labeling. Key elements to check include the name, specifications, main ingredients, approval number, production date, and expiration date.
- Handle and unload medications with care, following the requirements indicated on the external packaging.
- Maintain a dedicated and specialized medication warehouse with assigned personnel. The warehouse should not store other miscellaneous items, especially flammable or explosive substances. Medications should be stored according to dosage, purpose, and storage requirements. Display cabinets or shelves for medications should be kept clean and dry. The floor must be kept tidy, and access should be restricted to authorized personnel only.
- Medications should be dispensed with a “Medication Issue Record” that provides detailed information such as the variety, dosage form, specifications, quantity, date of use, personnel responsible for use, and location of use. Medications should only be used under the guidance of a technician, and strict adherence to withdrawal periods should be observed.
- Purchase medications from authorized vendors with pharmaceutical business licenses. Medication labels and package inserts should comply with the requirements set by the Ministry of Agriculture. Do not procure medications without approval numbers or with unknown ingredients.
- Implement a prescription management system for medication usage. The prescription should include the medication’s name, dosage, administration method, frequency, and purpose. Prescriptions must be reviewed and approved by a supervisor to ensure the use of authorized medications without unknown ingredients. Medication recipients should present a medication prescription when collecting medications for use.
Organic Feed Management System in Battery Cage System in Poultry
- Organic feed should come from ecologically-friendly farms that produce pesticide-free crops such as corn, rice, soybeans, and natural organisms like earthworms from organic tea gardens.
- Prohibit the addition of medications or additives that are prohibited by the country in organic feed.
- Organic feed should be received in person by the purchasing personnel and warehouse manager, and an inventory document should be filled out. The warehouse manager must also verify the quantity and quality of the received organic feed.
- The warehouse for organic feed should maintain cleanliness. Prohibit the storage of any medications or harmful substances in the warehouse. Organic feed should be stored separately and off the ground, categorized by variety.
- Establish records of incoming and outgoing organic feed, providing detailed information on daily inventory movement.
- Organic feed formulation and dosage should be determined by technicians based on actual requirements.
- Maintain cleanliness in the formulation area, mixer, and equipment. Periodic disinfection should be carried out, and harmful substances should not be stored in the formulation area.